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WPCA Approved Minutes 06/04/2013, Public Hearing
Members Present:                Richard Aries, Donald Antaya, Robert Dickinson, and Carol Fletterick

Members Absent:         Vicki Paliulis and William Vees

Alternates Present:     Ed Havens, Jr. and Richard Siedman

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                        Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Public Participation:   Saud Anwar, 93 Rockledge Drive, South Windsor, CT

1.      Proposed Water Pollution Control Budget and proposed Sewer User Charges, Surcharges, Sewer Assessment Schedules, and Septic Disposal Fees for Fiscal Year       2013/2014.  (See Exhibit A and Exhibit B).

Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  He stated that the public hearing is being held to present the proposed Water Pollution Control budget and to establish the proposed sewer user charge, surcharges, sewer assessment schedules, and septic disposal fees for fiscal year 2013/2014 (see Exhibit A and B).  Ether Diaz, Recording Secretary read the Legal Notice as it was published in the Journal Inquirer (Exhibit A).

Chairman Aries opened the public hearing for public participation.  Dr. Saud Anwar of 93 Rockledge Drive, South Windsor, CT came before the Authority.  Dr. Anwar expressed that he had the opportunity to seat down with members of various condominiums and they expressed concern about the sewer user charges.  He explained that residents have experienced a significant rate increase in sewer fees.  He explained that it is unfair that one single unit owner will be charged the same as multi-occupant home residents using more water; he expressed that this method of billing is one of the things that it is impacting the significant proportion of the community.  According to his estimates, 30% of the numbers of women over the age of 70 living in Town are living alone; yet, they are going to have to pay $374 for the WPCA.  Unfortunately, the town budget and the taxes have increased and they are negatively impacting this community.  He believes that the user fees needs to be based on actual water usage; this option is somewhat difficult to implement for the first year, but going forward is not as complicated.  Dr. Anwar requested for the WPCA to look at other options for billing sewer fees, as the current option is causing the community to feel that is an unfair way of charging; with that in mind, he requested for the Authority to reassess their strategy and charge based on usage rather than a flat rate base system.

Chairman Richard Aries thanked Dr. Anwar for his comments and explained to him that the Authority is not permitted to have any back and forth communication during the Public Hearing, but his comments and thoughts on this matter will be considered as they are very important to the Authority.

Chairman Aries turned the public hearing over to Mr. Fred Shaw to give a brief summary of the proposed budget.  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that the Pollution Control Budget for fiscal year 2013/2014 involves different components.  There is an operating component for the treatment plant, eleven pump stations, as well as the maintenance of the collection system which total is $3,116,861.

Mr. Fred Shaw also reported that the debt service is another component of the budget which involves the Pollution Control debt service payments that are made on behalf of their involvement with the upgrade of the Vernon Treatment Plant; the upgrades to the Town’s disinfection system at the Treatment Plant; the Pleasant Valley pump station upgrades; the submersible pump stations upgrades and the dry pit stations upgrades for a total of debt service of $313,810.

Capital improvements involve contributions to reserve of $55,000 for manhole rehabilitation and inflow and infiltration removal; contribution to a reserve for the plant debt service payments that Pollution Control began to incur in this fiscal year beginning in October 2012.  There is also a special capital project reserve set aside for a cross country sewer maintenance in the amount of $65,000; this is a study intended to look at the Town’s cross country sewer lines; the ones that are located off the road way and are not easy managed because they run through yards and through woods and so forth.  Town staff is looking to establish a better method for maintaining those portions of the collection system.

Mr. Shaw also explained the major changes in the budget from last year’s budget; this involves increases in management and union wages of $40,000.  There is a decrease in over time due to improvements that were part of the Treatment Plant upgrade; overtime was reduced by nearly $34,000.  The Town was also able to reduce the purchase amount of nitrogen credits due to the plant upgrade.  There is a significant cost increase for fuel, heating oil, and electricity resulting from the treatment plant upgrade – these totaled more than $91,000.  Also, there was an increase cost due to contractor services for the new equipment at the plant - the HVAC contracts, building maintenance, and equipment maintenance for a total of about $46,700.  There was an increase of $10,000 due to the requirement for the plant power center and motor control breaker disconnect which involves obtaining disconnect certification.  And the Town is looking to replace some vehicles that were used at the Plant and have reached their use of life expectancy.  One is a utility truck with a plow in the front; this truck is used to plow snow from the treatment plant as well as from pump stations so that the staff can respond to emergencies.  And also a new close circuit t.v. equipment truck for inspections of the sewer line.  This is an important piece of equipment because it is used for a variety of uses; to inspect the pipes underground so as to be able to identify problems before they become major problems and to inspect storm drain systems.  The combination of those two trucks represents a total of $208,000.

Mr. Shaw explained as far as the budget is concern, the revenue that needs to be covered and the anticipated expenditures for fiscal year 2013/2014, it will not be necessary to increase the sewer user charges.  They will remain at the same rate.

With no further questions or comments from the public, Chairman Aries declared the Public Hearing closed at 6:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary